Icon-ohrangerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Zeo .

Tarantabot was a robot tarantula monster fought the rangers and was defeated by the Zeo Cannon. After growing, he beats the Zeo Megazord and Red Battlezord, preparing to have them for lunch, and then Pyramidas saves them. They form the Zeo Ultrazord and Tarantabot quivers in fear. The cannons fire, and Tarantabot tumbles over and explodes.

Power's and ability's

  • Strength: The Tarantabot was one of the more stronger monster's.
  • Mini Spiderbot's: The Tarantabot can lunch small spider robots to clutch on and zap his enemy's
  • Chain Web: The Tarantabot can fire a chain web to capther his enemy's
  • Lighting Beam: The Tarantabot can fire red lighting beams from his mouth.

See Also
