Icon-gaorangerThis article is about an episode in Power Rangers Wild Force.

Taming of the Zords is the thirty-first episode of Power Rangers Wild Force, continuing the Animus/Kite arc.


Jindrax and Toxica recruit the Lion Tamer Org, a Org with the ability to control Humans, animals and Zords with the crack of a whip. The Rangers battle for control of the Wild Zords against Lion Tamer Org. The Zords are broken free of the Org's spell by Kite, who displays some mysterious powers.


to be added



  • This is the last episode to mention Team Carnival.
  • Jindrax and Toxica do commentary on the Megazords fights, similar to how Flint would do in Jungle Fury
  • This episode marks the only appearances the following Megazord combinations:
    • Wild Force Megazord Spear & Shield
    • Wild Force Megazord Spear & Knuckle
    • Kongazord Striker Clutcher


  • For some reason Lion Tamer Org didn't attempt to take control of the Predazord after Merrick had been ejected.
  • The Rangers didn't think of summoning the Falconzord to take on the rogue Megazords, only calling on it to form the Isis Megazord after the others had been released from the spell.
  • In the final scene, Merrick seemed to be walking towards the Megazords with the others seemingly looking up at them but then the last shot showed the Megazords behind him.

See Also
