Icon-dekaranger This article is about a/an ally in Power Rangers S.P.D.

Sergeant Silverback is the S.P.D. drill sergeant who teaches B-Squad to work together. Sergeant Silverback is an alien that looks like a cross between a caveman and a gorilla. He is very bossy and cynical and speaks like a stereotypical military officer. Sergeant Silverback also owns a pitbull version of R.I.C.

Character History

Silverback resided on Zentor where Anubis Cruger sends B-Squad to train under him. During the training, Sergeant Silverback used reprogrammed Krybots to fight them. One of their mess-ups caused Sergeant Silverback to confiscate their morphers and demote them to D-Squad. He also warned them that if they mess up again, he will report this to Anubis Cruger and have them dismissed. Upon regaining their rank upon working together, B-Squad had proved themselves to Sergeant Silverback. When Sergeant Silverback contacts Anubis that B-Squad had passed his training, Kat Manx tells Sergeant Silverback that Anubis Cruger and Sam got captured. Sergeant Silverback then grants B-Squad to the S.W.A.T. technology in his S.W.A.T. Truck. Tvicon TV STORY-S.W.A.T.

Silverback returned to aid the Rangers in facing the Troobian forces. He also brought his own R.I.C. with him and another S.W.A.T. truck to assist in the battle. He is surprised to see that Doggie Cruger survived the destruction of Omni, commenting "well I'll be" to his R.I.C. Sergeant Silverback then joins in the celebration after Grumm is captured by Cruger. Tvicon TV STORY-Endings


to be added

Powers and Abilities


  • to be added

Behind the Scenes


  • Sergeant Silverback was portrayed by John Tui who also played Anubis Cruger.


  • to be added

See Also

Power nav icon Power Rangers S.P.D. Icon-dekaranger
B-Squad: Jack Landors - Sky Tate - Bridge Carson - Z Delgado - Syd Drew
Sam - Officer Tate - Doggie Cruger - Kat Manx - Nova Ranger
Delta Morphers - Patrol Morpher - Omega Morpher - Kat Morpher - Nova Morpher - Magna Morpher - Deltamax Strikers - Canine Cannon - Delta Blasters - Shadow Saber - S.P.D. Battlizer - Delta Enforcers - Delta Cruiser - Delta Patrol Cycles - Delta ATV - Uniforce Cycle - S.W.A.T. Truck
Piggy - Isinia Cruger - Dino Rangers - T-Top
S.P.D.: Supreme Commander Fowler Birdie - Sergeant Silverback - Boom - R.I.C.
Zords and Megazords
Delta Runner 1 - Delta Runner 2 - Delta Runner 3 - Delta Runner 4 - Delta Runner 5 - Omegamax Cycle - Delta Base - S.W.A.T. Flyer 1 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 2 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 3 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 4 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 5
Delta Squad Megazord - Omegamax Megazord - Delta Max Megazord - Delta Command Megazord - S.W.A.T. Megazord
Troobian Empire
Emperor Gruumm - Mora/Morgana - Broodwing - Krybots - Blue-Head Krybots - Orange-Head Krybots
A-Squad Rangers
Charlie - Blue - Green - Yellow - Pink
Other Villains: Zeltrax - Tyrannodrones
Praxis - Ringbah - Parsnippity - Scaleface - Rhinix - Hydrax - Bugglesworth - Giganis - Sinuku - Debugger - General Benaag - Drakel - General Valko - Tomars - Wootox - Katana - Invador - Changtor - Green Eyes - Shorty - Devastation - Mysticon - Al - Slate - Mirloc - Stench - Thresher - Gineka - Chiaggo - Delapoo - Blobgoblin - One Eye - Silverhead - Professor Mooney - Bork - Herock - Dragoul - Kraw - Icthior - Spotty-Eyed Monster - Green Monster - Vine Monster - Delex - Roswell - Crabhead - Spiketor - Lazor - Cricket Monster - Jackal Monster - Demon Monster - Heater Monster - Jail Bird Monster - Tentacle Monster
Troobian Empire Robots
Mega Drill - Ringbah's Robot - Sinuku's Ninja Robot - Marato - Robot of Destruction - Gigabot - A-Squad's Megazord