Icon-gogofiveThis article is about a Megazord and its components in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.

The Lightspeed Megazord is formed from the five lead Lightspeed Rescuezords. It utilizes the Lightspeed Megazord Saber for its finishing attack, the Fire Circle, in which the saber draws out a glowing corona, then slashes through it to destroy a demon. Other attacks include the Power Thrust using the Ladder Arms, spray cannons, and a overhead kick move, using the Ladder Arms as stabilizers.

The Megazord forms either by having the Aero Rescue 3 lift Pyro Rescue 1 on top of the Hydro Mode (which is essentially the lower body of the Megazord), or by Aero Rescue lifting Hydro Rescue 2 to form the upper legs, as the Haz Recue 4 and Med Rescue 5 connect as lower legs, while the Pyro Rescue lifts itself up with its arms onto the formed legs and the Aero Rescue completes the formation on top.

The Lightspeed Megazord was destroyed along with the Supertrain Megazord and Max Solarzord in battle against Diabolico and Olympius.

Lightspeed RescueZords

Pyro Rescue 1

Pyro Rescue 1 is the red fire truck zord piloted by Carter Grayson. It can use its ladder like arms for manipulating objects and rescue operations; it can deploy stabilizers from its front and rear bumpers.

Pyro Rescue 1 is carried inside Rail Rescue 1. It forms the arms and upper torso of the Megazord.

Aqua Rescue 2

Aqua Rescue 2 is the blue water tanker zord piloted by Chad Lee. It can spray water jets from its nozzles.

Aqua Rescue 2 is carried inside Rail Rescue 2. It forms the waist and upper legs of the Megazord.

Aero Rescue 3

Aero Rescue 3 is the green jet zord piloted by Joel Rawlings. It can fire compressed air jets and water bombs to put out fires and can lift the other Lightspeed Rescuezords into the air with its assortment of magnetic grapple hooks and ziplines. It would also occasionally dispense pamphlets for Joel's air show. On occasions when the Rescuezords were needed and the Rail Rescues were either occupied or out of commission, Aero Rescue 3 would transport the other Zords with a large platform tethered to it's underside hatch.

The Zord is carried inside Rail Rescue 3. It forms the head and upper back of the Megazord.

Haz Rescue 4

Haz Rescue 4 is the yellow hazmat truck zord piloted by Kelsey Winslow. It can lift objects with its rear grab-claw or use it as a weapon.

Haz Rescue 4 is carried inside Rail Rescue 4. It forms the left lower leg of the Megazord.

Med Rescue 5

Med Rescue 5 is the pink ambulance zord piloted by Dana Mitchell. It can carry multiple civilian vehicles in the back hatch to clear roads that may be too dangerous to drive on.

The Med Rescue 5 is carried inside Rail Rescue 5. It forms the right lower leg of the Megazord.

Hydro Mode

Basically, the lower body of the Lightspeed Megazord used as a fire control mechanism. The formation appears to be somewhat like a crawler, with the Aqua Rescue 2 on top and the Med and Haz Rescues forming the lower legs.

Legendary Ranger Devices

Lightspeed Megazord Charger

Lightspeed Megazord Dino Charger

The Lightspeed Megazord represents the Lightspeed Rangers for the Lightspeed Rescue Dino Charger, released as part of a special set of Dino Charger Power Packs. In Lightspeed Rescue's case, it featured the Red Lightspeed Ranger, the Titanium Ranger, the Lightspeed Megazord, and the Lightspeed Rescue title. This Charger was paired with the In Space Dino Charger.

See Also

Power nav icon Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Icon-gogofive
Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell
Rescue Morpher - Titanium Morpher - Rescue Blaster - Rescue Bird - Battle Boosters - V-Lancer - Titanium Laser - Lightspeed Cycles - Rescue Rover - Trans Armor Cycle
Captain William Mitchell - Angela Fairweather - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Kai Chen - Maya - Kendrix Morgan - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers - Cole Evans
Zords and Megazords
Rail Rescue 1 - Rail Rescue 2 - Rail Rescue 3 - Rail Rescue 4 - Rail Rescue 5 - Pyro Rescue 1 - Aqua Rescue 2 - Aero Rescue 3 - Haz Rescue 4 - Med Rescue 5 - Max Solarzord - Omegazord 1 - Omegazord 2 - Omegazord 3 - Omegazord 4 - Omegazord 5
Lightspeed Megazord - Supertrain Megazord - Lightspeed Solarzord - Omega Megazord - Lifeforce Megazord
Queen Bansheera - Prince Olympius - Diabolico - Loki - Vypra - Jinxer - Batlings
Ghouligan - Magmavore - Quakemon - Whirlin - Fireor - Gold Beaked Monster - Elestomp - Striking - Cyborg Rangers - Smogger - Trifire - Liztwin - Demonite - Thunderon - Falkar - Troika - Cobra Incarnate - Thunderclaw - Shockatron - Spellbinder - Moleman - Cyclopter - Mantevil - Vilevine - Freezard - Infinitor - Birdbane - Memorase - The Gatekeeper - Furnace Monster - Ghoular - Flowar - Mermatron - Fire Wasp - Aquafiend - Arachnor - Treevil
Triskull - Ghouls