Icon-timerangerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Time Force.

"Where's Ransik?"
―Vexicon's first words upon being released.[src]

Vexicon is the first powerful mutant released by Frax from the X-Vault. He is the top-themed main antagonist of the episode "Future Unknown".


Vexicon, like all other mutants, was created as the result of science accidents. He hated Ransik and viewed himself as the most powerful mutant. Before the events of the season he was captured by Time Force and due to being an extremely dangerous mutant, he was placed into the dreaded X-Vault.

When Frax found the X-Vault, he first released Vexicon. Frax sent Vexicon to destroy Silver Hills and destroy the Rangers.

Vexicon was an extremely powerful enemy. He used a sword that doubles as a laser rifle and could reflect the blasts of the Rangers' cannons. He also had a hidden chest cannon, which could shoot with powerful energy shots. He easily defeated the Rangers and then continued his rampage before being defeated by them using Katie's plan. The Rangers fired at Vexicon with their blasters from different sides, defeating the mutant and prompting him to enlarge himself.

In his giant size, Vexicon was more powerful, defeating both the Time Force Megazord Mode Red and Time Shadow at once. However the Rangers, at the advice of Circuit, combined the two Megazords into the Shadow Force Megazord to finally freeze Vexicon. Tvicon TV STORY-Future Unknown


Vexicon is possibly one of the most violent and cruel mutants. He is sadistic, ruthless, devoid of empathy, relentless, villainous, and misanthropic. Unlike other mutants, he despises Ransik and has a vastly inflated superiority complex. He is arrogant, stubborn sociopathic and mean, enjoys causing havoc and doesn't appreciate human life at all. But he lucks mind and it caused his defeat as he was finally tricked and defeated by the Rangers.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Superhuman Strength: Vexicon has superhuman strength, enough to overpower all five Rangers at once.
  • Fire Breath: Vexicon can spew out a stream of fire from his mouth to burn his opponents.
  • Chest Cannon Shots: Vexicon can open his chest to reveal a hidden cannon, from which he can fire powerful red energy shots.
  • Enlarging: Like all other mutants, Vexicon can enlarge himself using his DNA patch.


  • Durability: Vexicon has thick skin that allows him to take multiple attacks.


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  • Sword: Vexicon uses a powerful sword that could deflect blasts from the Rangers' Vector Weapons.
    • Laser Rifle: Vexicon's sword also doubles as a laser rifle that can fire green lasers.
      Vexicon Sword

      Vexicon's Sword

  • Bombs: Vexicon has multiple small but deadly bombs that he can throw which explode when hitting the ground.


Mutant Seal Patch Location: Lower Abdomen.

Behind the Scenes[]



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See Also[]



Power nav iconPower Rangers Time Force Icon-timeranger
Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers
Chrono Morpher - Quantum Morpher - Time Force Badge - Visual Scanners - Chrono Blasters - Chrono Sabers - Vector Weapons - Electro Booster - Quantum Defender - Time Ship - Vector Cycles - TF Eagle - Strata Cycle - Quantum Mega Battle Armor - Red Battle Warrior
Alex - Circuit - Captain Logan - Mr. Collins - Silver Guardians - Dr. Michael Zaskin - White Knight - Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell - Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton
Zords and Megazords
Time Jet - Time Flyer 1 - Time Flyer 2 - Time Flyer 3 - Time Flyer 4 - Time Flyer 5 - Shadow Winger - Quantasaurus Rex
Time Force Megazord - Time Shadow Megazord - Shadow Force Megazord - Q-Rex Megazord - Transwarp Megazord
Ransik - Nadira - Frax - Gluto - Cyclobots
Demons: Vypra - Quarganon - Demon Warriors
Other: Black Knight - Dragon
Flamecon - Jetara - Fearog - Mantamobile - Tentaclaw - Rabbitcon - Medicon - Fatcatfish - Izout - Vexicon - Redeye - Electropede - Univolt - Brickneck - Commandocon - Klawlox - Cruel Senturicon - Turtlecon - Notacon - Conwing - Contemptra - Dash - Ironspike - Artillicon - Cinecon - Steelix - Venomark - Severax - Mr. Mechanau - Miracon - Angelcon - Chameliacon - Serpicon
Others: Samurhive - Chef Bug - Eyeacon -
Frax's Robots: Tronicon - Dragontron - Max Axe - Doomtron