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NinjaRed/Red Aquitar Ranger

This page highlights the differences between Sasuke and Aurico.

Red Aquitar Ranger Profile
Red Aquitar Ranger


Sasuke Aurico
Sasuke piloted the Red Saruder, Battle Saruder, and God Saruder. Aurico piloted the Red Shogunzord and the Red Battle Borg.The Red Ape Ninjazord is the only Zord Aurico didn't pilot.
Sasuke used the Hikarimaru to fight and summon Tsubasamaru. Aurico never used Hikarimaru fight or summon the Falconzord.
Sasuke was a human ninja descended from the ancient ninja Sarutobi Sasuke. Aurico was an Aquitian with no relation to ninja or Japanese themes.
Sasuke fought alongside Ninjaman. Aurico never fought alongside Ninjor.
Sasuke used a Doron Changer to transform. Aurico did not use a morpher to transform.
Sasuke used a Shinobi Knuckle and his personal weapon, the Red Slicer, in addition to team siearms. Aurico never had a personal weapon. Only used team sidearms and (on one occasion) an Aquitian Fist.
Sasuke's motto was "Hiding from people and striking down evil!" Aurico's motto was "Powers of water, powers of light, powers unite!"
Sasuke was played only by Teruaki Ogawa, would would later play Hyuuga in Seijuu Sentai Gingaman. Aurico was first played by David Bacon and later by Christopher Glenn. Neither of whom would also play Mike Corbett in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.
Sasuke returned in Shuriken Sentai Ninninger in two episode appearances. Aurico did not return in either Ninja Steel or Super Ninja Steel.