Icon-supersamuraiThis article is about an episode in Power Rangers Super Samurai.

Fight Fire With Fire is the sixteenth episode of Power Rangers Super Samurai, the second season of Power Rangers Samurai. It is the first of the five-episode endgame arc. In this episode, the "Red Samurai Ranger's" secret is revealed. It is also the debut of Jayden's older sister Lauren Shiba, the second Red Samurai Ranger.


The Nighlok Fiera unleashes an overwhelming attack which will severely injured the Red Ranger; but when he goes down, another Red Ranger takes his place. Which one is the true Red Ranger?! The answer will change the Samurai Power Rangers forever!


to be added


Power Discs


  • This episode was first shown in Latin America on 27th August 2012.
  • Paul Schrier (Bulk), Felix Ryan (Spike) and Rick Medina (Deker) do not appear in this episode.
  • The opening credits have been altered to remove Serrator ever since he was defeated in the last episode.
  • Lauren is the second female Red Ranger, and the first to lead the main team of a series.
  • Fiera is the first female Nighlok the rangers have faced, other than Dayu who is part human. Coincidently she appears in an episode where the red ranger, her target, is replaced by a female, his sister.

See Also
