Icon-goseigerThis article is about an episode in Tensou Sentai Goseiger.

Magical Hyde (マジカル・ハイド Majikaru Haido) is the fifth episode of Tensou Sentai Goseiger. It features the first appearance of the Seaick Brothers.


The analytic Hyde and the impatient Agri help a doctor try to find the cure to a Warstar Insect malady changing kids into Bibi Soldiers.


As Nozomu arrives in the middle of their meeting with Master Head about other Headders on Earth, the Gosei Angels lose the reception as they were about to know how to summon them. After Hyde convinces the team they'll find the Headders eventually, Nozomu reveals a "Genius Cold" epidemic has been spreading at his school (which is amplified to where the parents willingly get their kids sick) as the gang decide who gets to train and who goes grocery shopping.

Losing to the others, Hyde and Agri head off with the former running the later dragged across every grocery store to pick the best food from each. Hyde hears a female voice in trouble. Transforming, he saves her from the Bugntes Alien Uchuseruzō of Influenza as he attacks her for following him. Though his Seaick Bowgun had no effect, Agri's arrival forces the Universal Insect Monster to retreat while the woman comes to and sees the two Goseigers revert in front of her as Hyde asks why she was following Uchuseruzō.

Introducing herself as Dr. Renko Shikishima, she takes Hyde and Agri to her son Kenichi before he transforms into a Bibi Soldier as a side effect of the Genius Cold. While Alata and the girls are holding off the student body-turned-Bibi Soldiers, after running off, Agri watches a broadcast of Renko announcing the creation of an antidote. Arriving as she is attacked by Uchuseruzō, Agri realizes "Renko" is actually Hyde in disguise as the Seaick Tribe Gosei Angel musters enough strength to use the Landick Ax (after failing to pick it up on the first time) to weaken Universal Insect Monster's tough hide before using the Seaick Bowgun to take enough of his hemolymph for Renko to develop the antidote. The others arrive after holding the confining the converted Bibi Soldiers, forming the Gosei Buster to defeat Uchuseruzō.

After being enlarged by the Bibi Bugs, Uchuseruzō overpowers Gosei Great with its own sword until Hyde calls in the Seaick Brother Headders after the Gosei Card came out of his Buckle, combining with Gosei Great to form Seaick Gosei Great and destroy Uchuseruzō. Later, as every child is cured to the Genius Virus thanks to Dr. Renko, Hyde and Agri nearly reached an understanding until the Seaick Tribesman opens his mouth about the latter's weapon needing maintenance.


Guest Cast[]

Gosei Cards[]


DVD releases[]

Goseiger DVD Vol 2

Goseiger Volume 2, DVD cover

Tensou Sentai Goseiger Volume 2 features episodes 5-8: Epic 5: Magical Hyde, Epic 6: Breakout Goseigers, Epic 7: Protect the Earth! and Epic 8: Gosei Power, Out of Control. [1]

See Also[]



Icon-goseiger List of Tensou Sentai Goseiger Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Epic 1: The Gosei Angels DescendEpic 2: Fantastic GoseigersEpic 3: Landick Power, DividedEpic 4: Echo, Song of the AngelsEpic 5: Magical HydeEpic 6: Breakout GoseigersEpic 7: Protect the Land!Epic 8: Gosei Power, Out of ControlEpic 9: Gotcha☆Gosei GirlsEpic 10: Hyde's Partner
Episodes 11-20
Epic 11: Spark, Landick PowerEpic 12: The Miraculous Gosei Headder Great AssemblyEpic 13: Run! The Mystic RunnerEpic 14: Birth of the Ultimate Tag!Epic 15: Countdown! The Life of the EarthEpic 16: Dynamic AlataEpic 17: A New Enemy! The YuumajuuEpic 18: The Earth Purifying Knight of DestinyEpic 19: Gosei Knight Will Not Allow ItEpic 20: Fall In Love Goseigers
Episodes 21-30
Epic 21: Elegant EriEpic 22: Over the RainbowEpic 23: Burn! GoseigersEpic 24: Miracle Attack GoseigersEpic 25: Nostalgic MouneEpic 26: The Laughing Gosei AngelsEpic 27: Wake Up Agri!Epic 28: A Father's TreasureEpic 29: The Goseigers are Sealed!Epic 30: Romantic Eri
Episodes 31-40
Epic 31: Never Give Up, Goseigers!Epic 32: Perform the Ultimate Miracle!Epic 33: The Dreadful Matrintis EmpireEpic 34: Gosei Knight JusticeEpic 35: Find the Perfect Leader!Epic 36: Run, Agri!Epic 37: Excited MouneEpic 38: Alice vs. Gosei KnightEpic 39: Epic ZeroEpic 40: Strong Alata
Episodes 41-50
Epic 41: Exploding Bonds of Friendship!Epic 42: Passionate HydeEpic 43: The Empire's General AttackEpic 44: The Ultimate Final BattleEpic 45: The Messiah is BornEpic 46: Gosei Knight is TargetedEpic 47: The Trap of the Earth Salvation PlanEpic 48: The Fighting Gosei PowerEpic 49: Fight Towards the FutureEpic 50: Protecting the Planet is an Angel's Duty
Movies & Specials
Movies: Tensou Sentai Goseiger: Epic on the MovieTensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on GinmakuCome Back! Tensou Sentai Goseiger: Last Epic - The Gosei Angels are National Icons!?Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
Specials: Tensou Sentai Goseiger: Special DVD - Gotcha☆Miracle! Compilation Video!!