Logo-supersentaiThis article is about a comparison of characters in the Super Sentai and Power Rangers franchises.PR2020 logo

This page highlights the differences between Captain Zahab and Captain Mutiny.

Captain Zahab
LG Mutiny
Captain Mutiny


Captain Zahab Captain Mutiny
Was the main villain in Gingaman. Was only a side-villain, just appearing for a few episodes. And was the third villain boss to appear after Scorpius and Trakeena.
Desired to awaken Daitanix in order to destroy the Earth and turn it into a jewel. Wanted to loot Terra Venture and enslave the people.
Was sealed away for 3000 years by the past Gingaman Was locked within the Lost Galaxy; never had any association with Earth or Terra Venture
Was destroyed by the Black Knight and the Gingamen in an all-out battle. Was destroyed by Trakeena who destroyed his castle.
Had four commanders on his crew; as well as working with Black Marketeer Biznella and Barreled Scholar Bucrates Barbarax was his only commander, with Deviot assisting after his arrival in the Lost Galaxy; never allied with Villamax, Treacheron, or Kegler although he did work with Hexuba.