Icon-kyoryugerThis article is about a/an ally in Power Rangers Dino Charge.

Chloe Randall is the younger sister of Chase Randall in Power Rangers Dino Charge.

Character History

She first appears doing a Maori performance for the museum with some other girls.

When Chase and her attempt to spend time together to go to the skate park, Chase is suddenly called to battle, and he runs off. When he comes back, the two finally go to the park, only for him to be called to a meeting with the rangers and Prince Phillip III. Chloe remembers that she has a present for Chase and follows him, only to be caught in a battle with the rangers against Fury, a squad of Vivix, and G-BO, Phillip's robot, who was reprogrammed by Wrench. Fury orders the robot to attack Chloe, and Phillip saves her when Chase is overrun by Vivix, bonding with the Graphite Energem in the process.

After the battle, Chase starts teaching Chloe how to skate, and Chloe gives him his gift; a plane ticket back home to New Zealand so he can visit. She then goes home with her family.Tvicon TV STORY-Rise of a Ranger

She does eventually return as she's preparing to celebrate Christmas, not really minding how Christmas is seemingly cancelled, because of how Chase will be returning home. Tvicon TV STORY-Race to Rescue Christmas




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Behind the Scenes

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See also

