
Time and Whatnot[]

This team is marked as being the last chronologically, but isn't that inaccurate? I mean, none of the rangers (except Alex) had their powers in the year 3000. They only morphed while in the year 2001, so isn't that the time slot that their team should fit into?

Pie4ever0 (talk) 20:25, April 12, 2013 (UTC)

No. Wes is the only ranger from 2001, the rest had their powers in 3000 but could not use them in 2001 initially because they were locked. The team is marked correctly.  Nbajammer  Talk  RW  KR  MH  TK  KI  JD  Garo  TH  CG  UM  GZ  TF  GoT  48  BS  SH  SI  TFs  FF  SO  RE  GA  CT  DQ  20:41,4/12/2013 