PR2020 logo This article is about a/an series of Zords and/or Megazords in the Power Rangers franchise.

Several times during Power Rangers, certain villains have summoned or piloted Zords or Megazords of their own or somehow hijacked, overridden or taken control of those belonging to the Rangers; some monsters have even taken on forms similar to Zords. In truth there is little to differentiate them from other giant robots; however, the word itself summons a feeling that the Rangers are now facing beings in some ways like themselves. This motif is used in many mediums to introduce increased tension and drama.

The first instance of this is during the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in which the Rangers fight Tommy Oliver and the Dragonzord. In this instance the Zord and Ranger are turned to the side of good although the Dragonzord is later used for evil by Goldar, Pirantishead (who also controls the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord) and the clone of the Green Ranger. The same idea is reused in the same season of Mighty Morphin when Goldar pilots Cyclopsis. Lord Zedd later pilots Serpentera which is hugely powerful but never truly able to defeat the Rangers due to running out of fuel; Serpentera reappears in Power Rangers Wild Force but is destroyed.

The idea of evil Zords is reused in later seasons; in Power Rangers Turbo Divatox's crew pilots machines called Divazords and Power Rangers in Space has Psycho Yellow take control of the Mega Voyager. Power Rangers Lost Galaxy introduces the Stratoforce and Centaurus Megazords and Zenith Carrierzord under the control of Deviot but whose inner natures as Galactabeasts allow them to break free. The Magna Defender's Torozord is used to fight the Galaxy Rangers on at least one occasion.

In Power Rangers Time Force there are giant robots not addressed as Zords although in Mirai Sentai Timeranger one is named the G-Zord. This is the first time the word is used on Sentai prior to Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters; the G-Zord is adapted into the Dragontron in Power Rangers Time Force. In Power Rangers S.P.D. and Power Rangers Operation Overdrive giant robots are similarly used by villains. While mostly not referred to as Zords they are all Zord-like in operation.

There is one villainous Zord in PR which isn't a robot in Sentai which is the Lothorzord from Power Rangers Ninja Storm. This is done in order to use footage from Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger since Lothor is a PR-exclusive villain. This is repeated in the case of the Zelzord from Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

List of Zords/Megazords Turned Evil[]

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]

Power Rangers (Boom! Studios)[]

Power Rangers Zeo[]

Power Rangers Turbo[]

  • Robo Racer - Piloted by the brainwashed Blue Senturion. Returned when a wishing coin is used to make him good again and goes with him to Eltar although its fate from then on is unclear.
  • Turbo Megazord - Captured by General Havoc and piloted by Crosspatch. Reclaimed by the Rangers but destroyed by Goldgoyle.

Power Rangers in Space[]

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy[]

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue[]

Power Rangers Time Force[]

Power Rangers Wild Force[]

Power Rangers Ninja Storm[]

Power Rangers Dino Thunder[]

Power Rangers S.P.D.[]

Power Rangers Jungle Fury[]

Power Rangers RPM[]

Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai[]

Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce[]

Power Rangers Dino Charge/Dino Super Charge[]

Power Rangers Ninja Steel/Super Ninja Steel[]

Power Rangers Beast Morphers[]

List of Known Evil Zords/Megazords[]

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]

  • Cyclopsus - Goldar's Warzord sent to defeat the Rangers - Destroyed Twice.
  • Serpentera - Lord Zedd's Warzord that is hidden on the Moon and eventually found by the remnants of the Machine Empire - Destroyed.
  • Copyzord - Created from the Red Dragon Thunderzord by Photomare - Destroyed.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie[]

Power Rangers (Boom! Studios)[]

  • Typhonis - Created out of pieces from Cyclopsis and the Rangers' older Zords - Defeated and taken control of by the Rangers.
  • War Golem - A monster Zord piloted by Commandant.
  • Black Dragon - A remote-control Megazord made out of Zord and Megazord parts manned by Lord Drakkon - Defeated by the Rangers, and later used as battle armor against its creator.
  • Gravezord - A remote-control Megazord from the World of the Coinless created from the Thunderzords piloted by Ranger Slayer - Loaned to the Rangers when Drakkon's spell is broken.

Power Rangers Zeo[]

  • Quadrafighters - Attack ships of the Machine Empire piloted by Cogs with a walking mode for landing and surface battles - Destroyed.

Power Rangers Turbo[]

Power Rangers in Space[]

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy[]

Power Rangers Time Force[]

Power Rangers Ninja Storm[]

Power Rangers Dino Thunder[]

Power Rangers S.P.D.[]

Power Rangers Mystic Force[]

Power Rangers Operation Overdrive[]

Power Rangers RPM[]

Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai[]

Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce[]

Power Rangers Dino Charge/Dino Super Charge[]

Power Rangers Ninja Steel/Super Ninja Steel[]

Power Rangers Beast Morphers[]

  • Gigadrones - Zords created by Scrozzle that can be combined with the data of Robotrons - All Destroyed.
    • Cycledrone - Created by combining the data of Cycletron with a Gigadrone Alpha Model sent to steal Morph X from the Morph-X Tower Network - Destroyed.
    • Needledrone - Created by combining the data of Needletron with a Gigadrone Beta Model sent to steal Morph X from the Morph-X Tower Network - Destroyed.
    • Shoveldrone - Created by combining the data of Shoveltron with a Gigadrone Beta Model sent to steal Morph X from the Morph-X Tower Network - Destroyed.
    • Slicerdrone - Created by combining the data of Slicertron with a Gigadrone Type Gamma sent to steal Morph X from the Morph-X Tower Network but disabled by the Racer Zord Battle Mode and taken into custody by Grid Battleforce. Rebooted, but Destroyed.
    • Meltadrone - Created by combining the data of Meltatron with a Gigadrone Beta Model sent to destroy Devon Daniels and prevent him from saving his friends - Destroyed.
    • Gigatronics - Gigadrone versions of Tronics deployed to assist other Gigadrones - All Destroyed.
    • Raildrone - Created by combining the data of Railtron with a Gigadrone Alpha Model. It attempts to destroy the Rangers with the aid of Gigatronics - Destroyed.
    • Vacuudrone - Created by combining the data of Vacuutron with a Gigadrone Gamma Model sent to steal Morph-X from the Morph-X Tower Network - Destroyed.
    • Antennadrone - Created by combining the data of Antennatron with a Gigadrone Alpha Model. It attempts to destroy the Rangers with the aid of Gigatronics - Destroyed.
    • Drilldrone - Created by combining the data of Drilltron with a Gigadrone Alpha Model. It attempts to destroy the Rangers - Destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord.
      • Drilldrone 2.0 - Created by combining the data of Drilltron 2.0 with a Gigadrone Alpha Model sent to guard a leak from the Morph-X Tower Network - Destroyed.
    • Tooldrone - Created by combining the data of Tooltron with a Gigadrone Type Gamma. It attempts to destroy the Rangers with the aid of a Gigadrone Delta Model - Destroyed.
    • Delta Model Gigadrone 1 - Deployed within Tooldrone to assist in fighting the Rangers - Destroyed.
    • Clonedrone - Created from the data of Clonetron to destroy the Rangers - Destroyed.
    • Tubadrone - Created from the data of Tubatron and sent to destroy part of the Morph-X Tower Network - Destroyed.
    • Spikedrone - Created from the data of Spiketron with a Gigadrone Beta Model sent to wreak havoc in Coral Harbor - Destroyed.
    • Delta Model Gigadrone 2 - Deployed within Spikedrone to assist in attacking Coral Harbor - Destroyed.
    • Burnerdrone - Created from the data of Burnertron and sent to melt part of the Morph-X Tower Network - Destroyed.
    • Turbodrone - Created from the data of Turbotron and sent to blast part of the Morph-X Tower Network and suck the Morph X using its fan -Destroyed.
    • Shockadrone - Created from the data of Shockatron to distract the Rangers while Vargoyle plants his Memory Pulsator - Destroyed.
    • Unidentified Gigadrone 1 - Created from an Gigadrone Alpha Model to attack Coral Harbor - Destroyed.
    • Unidentified Gigadrone 2 - Created from a Gigadrone Beta Model to distract the Rangers from retrieving the Mega-Transporters - Destroyed.
    • Ripperzord - Created by Evox and Scrozzle to serve as the personal Gigadrone of Blaze's avatar to protect part of the Morph-X Tower Network sent to the Cyber Dimension - Destroyed.
    • Infernodrone - Created by combining the data of Infernotron with a Gigadrone Alpha Model to serve as Scrozzle's personal Gigadrone - Destroyed.
    • Trapperdrone - Created by combining the data of Trappertron with a Gigadrone Beta Model sent to steal from the Morph-X Tower Network -Destroyed.
    • Gamerdrone - Created when Scrozzle combines data from Gamertron with a Gigadrone Beta Model. It creates a dome that sucks Morph-X out of the surrounding area, making it stronger - Destroyed.
    • Keydrone - Created when Scrozzle combines data from Keytron with a Gigadrone Alpha Model. It creates a dome that sucks Morph-X out of the surrounding area, making it stronger and attempted to make the Beast X Ultrazord weaker with its locking abilities - Destroyed.
    • Digidrone - Created when Scrozzle combines data from Digitron with a Gigadrone Alpha Model. It was sent to attack the Rangers and steal Morph-X - Destroyed.
    • Controladrone - Created when Scrozzle combines data from Controlatron with a Gigadrone Gamma Model. It was sent to attack the Rangers and steal Morph-X - Destroyed.
    • Alphadrone - Created when Scrozzle combines data from Boxertron with a Gigadrone Alpha Model. It was sent to fight the Rangers' Zords -Destroyed.
    • Betadrone - Created by Boxertron from a Gigadrone Beta Model to fight the Rangers' Zords - Destroyed.
    • Gammadrone - Created by Boxertron from a Gigadrone Gamma Model to fight the Rangers' Zords - Destroyed.
    • Deltadrone - Created when Scrozzle combines data from Boxertron with a Gigadrone Delta Model. It was sent to fight the Rangers' Zords -Destroyed.
    • Tiaradrone - Created when Scrozzle combines data from Tiaratron with a Gigadrone Beta Model and sent to attack the Rangers and steal Morph-X - Destroyed.
    • Bulldozerdrone - Created when Scrozzle combines data from Bulldozertron with a Gigadrone Delta Model to steal Morph-X - Destroyed.
    • Unidentified Gigadrone 3 - Created from a Gigadrone Gamma Model to steal Morph-X - Destroyed.
    • Unidentified Gigadrone 4 - Created from a Gigadrone Gamma Model to steal Morph-X - Destroyed.
    • Thiefdrone - Created when Scrozzle combines data from Thieftron with a Gigadrone Alpha Model - Destroyed.
    • Chimera Zord - Created by Evox from a geode and four Energems to serve as his personal Zord - Destroyed.
    • Clawdrone - Created when Scrozzle combines data from Clawtron with a Gigadrone Beta Model - Destroyed.
    • Omegadrone - Created by Scrozzle to serve as Evox's personal Gigadrone - Destroyed.

Power Rangers Dino Fury[]

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury[]

See Also[]

All items (114)
